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When you live in Wisconsin, you have a full appreciation of the changing seasons—from every new bud and blossom in the spring to the shortness of the summer sun.  I love the change of seasons and the gifts each one brings. For example, in the evening in the dead of winter, quiet takes on new meaning. And in the summer, how amazing it feels to pluck a fresh, ripe tomato straight from the vine, feeling the warmth of the sun on the skin as you bite into it.  These are seemingly small things, yet gifts nonetheless – momentary escapes that help balance the day’s work with the rest of life.  

In summer, like in the other seasons, we work hard.  Yet all work and no play… well, you know how the saying goes.  Everyone needs play to unleash creative thoughts.  While there is no perfect time to get away, summer seems to be one of the better times to steal away and broaden horizons and conversations; connect or re-connect with friends, family and old colleagues you care about; develop new interests and new relationships; travel, see new sites or just plain let the tensions ease out of your shoulders. 

Summer can also be a good time to do some weeding!   I mean “personal weeding”  – as in pulling up and getting rid of old baggage that is in the way of the new job or position you want and eliminating unproductive thoughts that limit you. 

Studies show how important it is for the body and soul to take time off from work – and I mean REALLY take time off – away from the computer, the smart phone or whatever it is that ties you to your job.  I know it is difficult and I don’t always follow my own advice.  I just try to remind myself of how energized I feel when I really take time for myself and how that translates into a sense of renewal when I do return to my work routine.  Plus I have new memories of my adventures to get me through a challenging day!

Genesis10 CEO, Harley Lippman and his family travel to Cambodia every year to work in an orphanage that he supports financially. He always returns with rich stories and reminders of the many gifts we have and what we take for granted.

Be grateful for the gift of summer, and don’t waste it. As for me – I am off to Cape Cod to eat lobster and crab cakes!